Insights and musings about photography and the creative process
Photo of the Day: Chipmunk in Wildflowers
Spring wildflowers provide an edible bouquet for a small chipmunk.
Spring wildflowers provide an edible bouquet for a small chipmunk.
Photo of the Day: Sunset Bull
The photo of the day is a bull elk in silhouette against the setting sun. See more here.
A bull elk is silhouetted against the setting sun.
Photo of the Day: Rush Hour
Three fiery steeds gallop into the fading light of dusk. Motion blur and the graceful curve of...
Three fiery steeds gallop into the fading light of dusk. Motion blur and the graceful curve of powerful neck muscles effectively convey the speed and strength of these magnificent beasts. Do you see the third horse in this image?
Photo of the Day: Elk in Sage
A female elk approaches to investigate the intruder in...
A female elk approaches to investigate the intruder in her territory. In Spring or early Summer, this bold behavior may indicate that she has a newborn calf hidden nearby.
Photo of the Day: Autumn King
Enormous antlers crown the head of a mature bull elk (Cervus canadensis) in...
Enormous antlers crown the head of a mature bull elk (Cervus canadensis) in its prime. Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
Photo of the Day: Double Take
A pair of young mule deer bucks (Odocoileus hemionus) momentarily pause their...
A pair of young mule deer bucks (Odocoileus hemionus) momentarily pause their browsing to investigate a passerby. File under symmetry.
Photo Of The Day: Herd on the Move
Winter's arrival drives large herds of elk out of the mountains and into the lower valleys in..
Winter's arrival drives large herds of elk out of the mountains and into the lower valleys in search of food and shelter. Near Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Photo of the Day: Band of Brothers
The photo of the day is this image of three young mountain goats pausing before crossing a creek near Glacier National Park, Montana.
Three young mountain goats pause momentarily before crossing a creek swollen with Spring runoff. Near Glacier National Park, Montana.
Photo of the Day: Sunrise Sentinel
A mature Great Blue heron (Ardea Herodias) in full breeding plumage enjoys...
A mature Great Blue heron (Ardea Herodias) in full breeding plumage enjoys the warming first rays of daylight in the Florida Everglades.
Photo of the Day: King of the Rockies
The photo of the day is this image of nature bestowing a magnificent crown upon a mature bull elk in his prime.
Nature bestows a magnificent crown upon a mature bull elk in its prime.