Insights and musings about photography and the creative process
Angkor Wat & Beyond - Photography Workshop & Tour
A thousand years ago the god-kings of the ancient Khmer empire organized stupendous feats of architectural engineering. Enormous reservoirs measured in miles and equally impressive monuments in stone honoring themselves and the mythical deities they worshipped.
A thousand years ago the god-kings of the ancient Khmer empire organized stupendous feats of architectural engineering. Enormous reservoirs measured in miles and equally impressive monuments in stone honoring themselves and the mythical deities they worshipped. We know these structures today as the Temples of Angkor in the country of Cambodia and they remain simply mind blowing in their immensity and complexity. Many are amazingly well preserved, others only partially reclaimed from centuries of jungle growth. This UNESCO World Heritage site is the centerpiece of an 8 day photography workshop I will be leading in January 2012 entitled Angkor Wat & Beyond. As the title suggests, temple ruins are but one of the highlights of this amazing adventure. Cambodia is a photographer's paradise from lush jungles, abundant wildlife and unique people Interested? Get more details in the Workshops section of this site or you can find additional images in my Cambodia photo gallery