Insights and musings about photography and the creative process
Photo of the Day: Full Bloom Hero
Claret Cup Cactus Bloom. April is a great month in the Utah desert. Don't miss my 2018 workshop to less traveled Utah Backcountry!
Claret Cup Cactus (Echinocereus triglochidiatus) are common throughout the Southwest. I found my "hero" in full bloom while exploring the Burr Trail in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. I thought there was the potential to make a nice photograph so I waited for the early morning rays to creep across the desert floor until they created a nice rim light on the mound. The flowers didn't light up quite the way I imagined, but I think it still turned out to be a nice image.
April is a great month in the Utah desert. I'm currently working on a 2018 workshop that will explore the less traveled Utah Backcountry.
Official announcements will be made soon.
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Phone It In. Seriously.
It turns out that the camera in your pocket is a powerful too for developing your Photographer’s Eye and sharpening your creative vision. Since most of the technical decisions are made for you, a phone camera frees you to focus on the image, which, after all, is what really counts.
The other day, on the home stretch of my morning run, I stopped to snap a photo. The dense fog that morning gave everything around Ballona Creek a mysterious, ethereal look. The diffused sun rising across the water looked interesting, so I pulled my phone out of my pocket and clicked a few frames. Hmm, not as cool as it looked, I thought reviewing my images on screen. Oh well. Then I noticed the bridge, that looked cool too. Maybe that will make a better picture. A couple more snaps. I should get lower, I thought. So I picked my way down the rocks lining the creek bank. More snaps...a little better. I need to get home and start my day, I thought climbing back up to bike trail. Just then, a cyclist whizzed by and disappeared into the fog. Wow, that looks cool...just need to wait for another biker. You see where this is going, right? An hour and 159 snaps later I thought, I really have to get home. I ended up with a handful of keepers from that morning, mostly courtesy of a lovely egret hanging out on the docks. So I guess my point is partly about serendipity, which has a way of showing up whenever you follow your instincts. But it’s also about how easy it is to slip into what I call C-mode (creative mode) when you are shooting with your phone. That’s a good thing.
It turns out that the camera in your pocket is a powerful too for developing your Photographer’s Eye and sharpening your creative vision. Since most of the technical decisions are made for you, a phone camera frees you to focus on the image, which, after all, is what really counts. It also removes a lot of the creative pressure of doing 'serious photography', which ironically makes you more creative. I know I feel a lot more instinctive and spontaneous when I'm shooting with my iPhone. For those pixel peepers obsessed with image quality ('IQ'), I agree we haven't reached DSLR quality in our smartphone cameras yet, but let me ask you: How many iPhone billboards did you drive under this week? Those 20X50 foot (printed) images really were shot on a phone. Just how much 'quality' do you need?
One key to making great images with your phone camera is taking an intentional approach when you shoot. In other words, be serious, but don't take it so seriously. Lighten up, but make conscious choices. Pay attention to framing and backgrounds. Try variations. But mostly, give your brain a break and listen to your gut. Look at your images and notice your first reaction but don’t analyze too much. Let yourself be lost in that wordless state where you’re feeling more than thinking. If you can’t remember later what you were thinking when you took those pictures, you did it right.
To see more examples of smartphone camera photos, check out Ken's iPhoneography Gallery
I'd love to see some your favorite phone images. Post a link in the comments or upload your images to Instagram with hashtags #phoneitin and #artofseeing
Photo of the Day: Chipmunk in Wildflowers
Spring wildflowers provide an edible bouquet for a small chipmunk.
Spring wildflowers provide an edible bouquet for a small chipmunk.
Photo of the Day: Family Portrait
The photo of the day is this band of wild horses in northwest Colorado. Can you spot the family resemblance?
The family resemblance is unmistakable among a band of wild horses in northwest Colorado.
Photo of the Day: Catamount Reflections
The vivid colors of an autumn sunrise are mirrored in the waters of...
The vivid colors of an autumn sunrise are mirrored in the waters of Catamount Lake near Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
Photo of the Day: Sunset Bull
The photo of the day is a bull elk in silhouette against the setting sun. See more here.
A bull elk is silhouetted against the setting sun.
Photo of the Day: Cottonwood in Snowstorm
The photo of the day is a lone cottonwood tree endures a late Spring snowstorm in Browns park, Colorado.
A lone cottonwood tree endures a late Spring snowstorm in Browns park, Colorado.
Photo of the Day: Winter Spruce
A momentary break in the clouds illuminates a cluster of Spruce trees in...
A momentary break in the clouds illuminates a cluster of Spruce trees in the Strawberry Park area of Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Photo of the Day: Dawn Over Cachuma
A fiery dawn breaks over Lake Cachuma. Come join us as we...
A fiery dawn breaks over Lake Cachuma. Come join us as we explore Cachuma and its surrounding areas for a weekend of camping, night photography, friends, and the Milky Way.
Photo of the Day: Aspen Shadows
The undulating shadows of spen tree trunks stripe the snow...
The undulating shadows of aspen tree trunks stripe the snow covered forest floor on a mid-winter day.
Photo of the Day: Elk in Sage
A female elk approaches to investigate the intruder in...
A female elk approaches to investigate the intruder in her territory. In Spring or early Summer, this bold behavior may indicate that she has a newborn calf hidden nearby.
Photo of the Day: Autumn King
Enormous antlers crown the head of a mature bull elk (Cervus canadensis) in...
Enormous antlers crown the head of a mature bull elk (Cervus canadensis) in its prime. Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.
Photo of the Day: Sea of Dunes
Factory Butte reminded me of a huge ship on a sea of...
Factory Butte reminded me of a huge ship on a sea of dunes in this early morning scene. Taken in Southern Utah.
Photo of the Day: Best Friends
A pair of wild mustang mares are virtually inseparable on...
A pair of wild mustang mares are virtually inseparable on the high plains of Wyoming's Red Desert region.
Photo of the Day: Autumn Abstract
Backlit fall foliage and a dense stand of ain-streaked aspen trunks form...
Backlit fall foliage and a dense stand of ain-streaked aspen trunks form an interesting composition of line and color.
Photo of the Day: Humphrey's Basin at Twilight
Alpenglow turns Mt. Humphreys grey granite crimson long after...
Alpenglow turns Mt. Humphreys grey granite crimson long after sunset in the John Muir Wilderness of the Sierra Nevada.
Photo of the Day: Double Take
A pair of young mule deer bucks (Odocoileus hemionus) momentarily pause their...
A pair of young mule deer bucks (Odocoileus hemionus) momentarily pause their browsing to investigate a passerby. File under symmetry.
Photo of the Day: Morning Light on Factory Butte
While exploring backroads in Utah near Capitol Reef National Park, I came across the striking red...
While exploring backroads in Utah near Capitol Reef National Park, I came across the striking red sandstone formation known as Factory Butte. While visible from the highway, the Butte and surrounding badlands are worth a detour down the dirt road for a closer exploration, especially in good light. Near Hanksville, UT.
Photo of the Day: Twin Temples
The Cathedral Valley region of Capitol Reef National Park in Utah is a bit out of the way but well worth the effort to visit. The area gets its name from the...
The Cathedral Valley region of Capitol Reef National Park in Utah is a bit out of the way but well worth the effort to visit. The area gets its name from the numerous sandstone monoliths that early visitors thought resembled man-made cathedrals. Two of its most famous formations are The Temple of the Sun and The Temple of the Moon.
Photo of the Day: Dogwood Underdog
In a forest dominated by evergreens, the warm tones of...
In a forest dominated by evergreens, the warm tones of this Mountain Dogwood create an appealing contrast of colors.