Insights and musings about photography and the creative process
New Website, New Work
Ch-ch-ch-changes. David Bowie's classic tune feels like the theme song to my life lately. No more gallery (for now). Lot's more photo workshops and traveling. And writing. Something I've been meaning to do more of for a long time.
Ch-ch-ch-changes. David Bowie's classic tune feels like the theme song to my life lately. No more gallery (for now). Lot's more photo workshops and traveling. And writing. Something I've been meaning to do more of for a long time. Oh, did I mention that I've relocated to Santa Barbara? Steamboat Springs was an incredible chapter in my life and I will miss so many things about it, most of all the friends I leave behind. But sunny SB seems to be calling my name now and I'm heeding the siren's song. Steamboat to Santa Barbara. I know. Don't cry for me, Argentina.
Maybe the most obvious outward sign of my new direction is this new website. What do you think? "Blog-centric" is the term I like best. That's right, from now on I'm going to be a blogging, twittering, facebooking, flickring fool. I can't believe I just said that. But seriously, folks... Almost as much as photography itself, I've been fascinated with the whole artistic creative process. How does it work? Can we work it? And after twenty-some years of chasing the Muse, I feel like I have some things to say about her wily ways. Hence the blog-centric website. I want to share my insights but I also hope to start a discussion about the nature of art and creativity particularly as it applies to photography. I think we all stand to benefit and I hope you will join me.
And last but not least, the purpose of all this nonsense, new photos! I hiked the Tahoe Rim Trail last summer with a group from the Tahoe Rim Trail Association as part of their Annual Thru Hike. Backpacking 165 miles in 15 days . Baby steps in the thru hiking world but plenty of challenge for me. I can describe it in two words. Gruelling. Rewarding. Here are a few of my favorite images from the trip.
I made another trip to Cambodia in preparation for a photo workshop that I am leading there next year.
Revisiting Angkor Wat and the surrounding temples was no less mind blowing than the first time, but I also got to explore quite a bit more of the country including the tranquil coastline. Click here to see the photos.
The mountains and valleys surrounding Santa Barbara are always gorgeous in Spring but this year was especially vibrant as a result of this Winter's epic rainfalls. I spent quite a bit of time in the Santa Ynez valley just north of Santa Barbara. Here are a few of my favorite images.
I've been quiet, but I've been busy.